„We develop, produce and take charge of high quality and innovative fruits, and formulate the matching strategy.
We support our Partner by our experience and our know-how.
Thus we assure a constant quality in performance and product, for the best of the end consumer.”
We consider ourselves as a „Variety Manager” with worldwide collaborations. Currently we have more than 100 worldwide nurserymen Partner in the world, and collaborate with scientists, technicians, advisors, grower and big marketers.
Vertical Integration is our philosophy. Vertical Integration means in general, to know more about the pre- and post period of the value chain. This can be done by excellent contacts within the whole business section and by communication between the participating partners.
In our testing fields more than one hundred new apple varieties from our Partner in the world are growing. Australian, Korean, Japanese and European new varieties are being tested, in order to introduce better varieties for the market.
Currently, KIKU Ltd. manages a few varieties and trademarks:
Varieties are marked with * and brands with ®.